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Assemble frameworks for cultivating a high-quality medical staff. Topics may include medical staff unification, medical staff categories, APP appointment, committees, governance documents and approaches, and physician employment.
16 discussions 24 comments Most recent: Policy Approvals by on June 2024
Exchange industry best practices, tricks of the trade, and strategies for running a ship shape medical staff office. Topics may include supervisory best practices, staffing, meeting management, organizational techniques, software vendors, and efforts to reduce duplication.
13 discussions 43 comments Most recent: Medical Staff Coordinators (Dues & Certifications) by dharjo on March 2023
Swap strategies for practitioner vetting that extends beyond hospital walls. Relevant settings and organizations may include health systems, integrated networks, health plans, ambulatory care centers, and postacute care environments.
3 discussions 4 comments Most recent: Resignation of Privileges - 30-day Rule by osbornb1 on November 2023
Access past conversations from the Medical Staff Talk list serv (retired).
1.2K discussions 2.8K comments Most recent: credentialing software by on April 2021